This is an awesome failproof method for FORCING the computer to connect to your board. I have used this process many times when a beta-flight program crashes and the board will no longer be recognized in openpilot GCS. Try this:
Step 1: Unplug your board
Step 2: Hit the UPGRADE button
Step 3: Quickly plug the CC3D back into your computer
That's it! This process forces the computer to both recognize and upload the firmware to the board. If this method does not work, your board is most likely fried, and although this is annoying, CC3Ds are only $20, so you're not out a ton of money. Good luck!
The Quanum Falcon frame is a QAV 250 knock-off race quad frame from Hobbyking. As you have probably noticed from most of my previous videos, I have put the quad to the test, both in flight and crashing. I was very simple to put together and I had no issues getting it in the air. I can take a mild beating, but nothing ridiculous.
There was so much space for a DIY quad build. I was able to store the flight battery inside the frame to protect it from crashes.
Good quality PDB
The PDB (power distribution board) had a good layout. Soldering wires to the board was very simple.
LED lighting
Although I did not use them, the LED lights were a nice feature and looked to be very easy to install. The only reason I did not use them was because I had already finished the soldering portion of the build when I saw them still in the bag.
Easy setup (in Open Pilot GCS)
All you have to do is input the control settings for the QAV 250 and it will fly awesome.
This frame is NOT made of carbon fiber. It is instead CNC cut from a slab of G10 (hence the name "billet block")
Not very durable
You would think that since it is so heavy because of the thick G10 used for reinforcement, the frame MUST be pretty durable, right? well, it might have been, if the engineers had reinforced the right areas. the thinnest portions of G10 happen to be where the landing gear is, allowing the landing pegs to punch holes in the frame....