I just got back from doing a test flight with a wing design I am calling the sport wing for now. Needless to say, it didn't go so well! The plane (I used the Gamma 370 made by Ares) unfortunately ended up in a tree but was quickly recovered with a pole. Although the plane crashed, I won't blame the wing design just yet as I might have messed up the center of gravity. Typically on any non swept wing, the center of gravity (CG) is about 1/3 of the wing from the front and this is where I started. the plane reacted like it was very tail heavy though, so I will continue to experiment!
Update: 1/6/16: I tried out both wing designs last weekend and neither was very successful. They both made the plane seem sluggish in the air and tail-heavy. I will try designing anti-stall wingtips to see if this improves performance. Plans will be posted when a good formula is found!