Monday, November 24, 2014


Solar Soarer v1.2 is being updated to v1.3, but it is taking just a little bit longer than I had hoped. the reason it is taking so long is because, instead of foam board, I am now using foam core hot wire cutouts (generously donated by PROJX on the RCG forum). I have currently gone through about two rolls of packing tape to coat the 8' wingspan, and I'm still not done! I am also trying to install a Parkzone Calypso folding prop, which is taking FOREVER because it became very unbalanced when I put it on the shaft. Also, another update on the foam board DLG: it glided OK but wouldn't launch. I think the trick to building a foam board DLG is to make it light enough to glide, yet heavy enough to launch. I tried a flying wing design (pictures coming soon) but now I think I need to make it into a plane with a boom and a tail. Remember, comments and suggestions are key to the building process, so please, give me some!


Thursday, November 6, 2014


Well...Since you decided not to vote, I will go off of the design I voted for (a DLG). For those of you who don't know what a DLG is, here is a brief history of all you've been missing out on.
Mini DLG Composite 1000mm (PNF)
Mini DLG from Hobby King
Put in the simplest terms possible, a DLG (discus launch glider) is a super light-weight glider that [following its name] is launched by hand.
Versus Composite DLG 1500mm Glider (ARF)
The DLG is also well know for its extremely light weight. Due to a mixture of carbon fiber and (or) foam, the DLG is one of (if not the) lightest RC aircraft there is. As you may have noticed, there is no motor, no propeller, or any source of external propulsion: this is to remove any unnecessary weight and eliminate about 95% of the power draw. Without the motor sucking away all of the battery, it is possible to stay out at the park all day on just one or two batteries!

Apollo 1550 Composite DLG Glider Airplane 1550mm (ARF) ( UK Warehouse )

Apollo 1550

Almost every pilot has his ( or her) own way of launching a DLG, but most use the basic spinning method. Using this method, the pilot holds the plane in their right hand and their transmitter in their left, spins around and lets go of the "launch pegs"(grasping stick). after that, it is a matter of survival: the person flying try's to spend the most time they can stay aloft. On a good day, This could be about ~10 minutes, or on a bad one, 45 seconds: It all depends!
Pike Precision F3F
 Pike Precision  F3F

On the down side, DLG's are extremely expensive. The Pike (shown above) is $2249.95!
Because of this, many people who would like to get into the DLG part of RC flaying can't, and Im here to change that! My mission it to design a DLG that can be made (body only) for only $2. This would be accomplished by using an amazing substance called Adam's Ready Board which can be bought at your local Dollar Tree for...... one dollar! I want this plane to be a cheap introduction to DLG's, and, not to mention, a great flyer to those who have already been doing this for a while. Please follow this blog and my G+ page ( here: ) so that you don't miss out on this project and the plans, if it's a success! feel free to leave suggestions on design and other planes to tackle (literally and metaphorically speaking)



Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Vote on the next plane!

I just put a poll up on my G+ account for what plane you want me to build next...please vote, and, if you don't already, follow me!

Sunday, November 2, 2014


Hey people,
I'm dealing with wing warping on Pyro. Any suggestions?

Thursday, October 30, 2014

You can see the death of PYRO in this one.....


Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Happy Halloween

                                                 Happy Halloween from Stratos!

Solar stuff...

                                                          solar panels arrived!
                                                     great packaging from Miso electric

40 1.5 v panels.... mmmmMMMMmmmmm

                                                      As I said before...RIP

Saturday, October 25, 2014


Hey guys, It has been FOREVER since my last blog post, but don't worry, I'm still messing around with RC stuff! A while ago I told you that I was building a solar RC plan, well, the first edition of the PYROBOLUM (that's its Latin name..."fiery bomb") has already been flown...and crashed...but never fear..I didn't have the panels on it yet! (if you really want to know what happened, the 10ft wing folded...)

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Sorry I haven't been blogging for a while! I recently went on an amazing trip to California with my family where we went to knots berry farm and Disneyland...but...This blog is about RC, not about traveling! I just ordered 1240 SQ inches of solar panels ($78) and even more equipment! Here's one of the most crucial parts of our project: Quanum Pocket Vibration Telemetry Voltage Meter With Alarm
Telemetry: it will warn me if the battery gets low on voltage!

 As soon as the experiment is finished, I will post a full product list.


Wednesday, September 24, 2014


Ronald Muijtjens got the right answer to my question last post titled"oops"

Tuesday, September 23, 2014


HAHA... Who can tell me what's wrong with the pictures of the solar soarer (that's what I'm calling it)
As you can probably tell...I just did an extreme makeover to my blog...Its now called STRATOS X-AIR. (I'll X your planes right out of the sky for you ) Hope you guys like it!

Almost done....

 *just add solar*

I had to get up on the roof of the house to take some of these pics...The wings are so big!!!

Monday, September 22, 2014

Just ordered..

Just ordered $100 worth of solar equipment, I hope you guys like the finished product! prepare to be amazed!
(p.s. Thanks for helping me get to over 1000 hits on my blog!)

600!!!!! a previous post I said 150 inches of solar panels...I meant mistake ;)

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Sunday, September 14, 2014

BIG things...

Forgive me for not having posted recently, big things are coming! First off, The Team and I are designing a solar RC Plane(eight foot wingspan, 150sq inches of panels...blaa blaa blaa). Stay tuned for more details!

Monday, September 8, 2014

sneak peak pic

I couldn't post the video tonight.... But here's a sneak peek:

quick post

If I have time tonight, I will be posting a quick tip video about elevons and binding a transmitter. Just thought..I'd....tell

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Friday, September 5, 2014

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Up-coming video

Alright, I'm back. I am going to be posting a trip log on my you tube channel (probably Friday) about my recent trip to Pine top AZ and what it revealed about my newest plane, the Water Bug. Please, if you haven't already, subscribe to my you tube channel here:

Friday, August 29, 2014

Leaving in two hours...I'm kind of nervous, I had to do some final adjustments to the floats on the Gamma and now it looks a tad bit sketchy. Oh well... too late now ;)

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

To the test...

I will be going on a trip up to Pine top AZ were there are LOTS of lakes. Time to put the water bug and my homemade floats to the test! Stay tuned, the maiden flight will be captured on camera...even if I crash....

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Gearing up for... Winter???

 I thought that I would post these pictures of a recent float mod I did to my GAMMA 370. floats can be used on water (duh) but are also useful on snow and as skids on grass (please hand-launch...please!!!).

 Notice how I didn't remove the wheels? I carved a little hunk out of the float and stabilized the wheels by zip tying them.

 zip tie stabilizer before mentioned
cool huh?

Saturday, August 23, 2014


Dang dang dang...Ten minutes after opening the package from Hobby King... I lost the micro ESC...arghhhh!!!

Quick post:

The parts finally came! Look for the water bug flight video soon...

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

spoiler pic...

Here's the Water Bug. This plane took only four hours max to design and build. Plans might take a while to be posted because THE RA-51 MUST BE FINISHED!!!!!(notice the THREE floats on the bottom? they're made of insulation from Lowes...)


Alright soon as the parts for the RA-51 come in and I do a flight review, I'm going to release the Water Bug. The water bug is a float plane that has an EXTREMELY flat profile so that you can keep it in the trunk of your car for whenever you have an urge to fly. This plane can fly off water and land (by hand launching) with its durable float/skids. I hope your all as excited as I am!

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

How to print your plans

In order to print your plans, open a picture by clicking on it. then, right click on the picture you want to print. Towards the middle of the drop down box you will see the "print" button. Now you can print your RA foam board airplanes!

Saturday, August 9, 2014


on YouTube for more awesomeness

Just ordered!

Hey guys!
I just ordered the parts necessary to finish the RA-51 today! Hobby King can sometimes take a while to ship their things so it may be a while before the flight video. The grand total came out to only $35! Foam board rocks!

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

RC Appetite logo!

Check out my new logo!
Special thanks to Daniel Fuller of Vidosha Design

Some difficulties...

The next profile warbird will have to be put out late due to difficulties finding parts. But, there is a bright side to this however: I will have the build video up by this Wednesday! the video will take you from pen on paper design to the finished project (without electronics). So...stay tuned for the plans and the flight video!

Saturday, August 2, 2014

I never was good at keeping secrets...

hmmm.....I wonder......

Here comes......

Stay tuned: The first series is going to be.....drumroll......profile warbirds! The first plane comes out this Wednesday! Can you guess what it will be?

Monday, July 28, 2014

you tube channel!

hey guys,
I just wanted to let you know that I just made a you tube channel [posting videos is tricky on blogger]
check it out at:

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Coming up......

 My next project will be the RCAPT Trainer out of foam board! STAY TUNED for the RCAPT Trainer!
A build log will be posted......

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Mods for the HK Idol are here!


This is the landing gear I designed: sandwich the landing gear wire between popsicle sticks and Zip tie them together...DIY MEGA :)

I traced out the tail fin and cut it out of Foam board

I used the same technique for the wing: I traced it out. I made it 3D by putting a 50% score cut down the middle, adding the base, Then adding a spar...also made of foam. I also like the non-stall Wingtips. Wing design by me!

Here are the electronics (scavenged from another plane)

All together now!

Looks cool with balsa and foam put together!
Please comment if you liked this article and I will do more like it!